Particle Classification

Particle identification using convolutional neural networks
Programming based projects during my years as a physics graduate student.
Particle identification using convolutional neural networks
An unsupervised clustering algorithm
A probabilistic classifier using Gaussian class-conditionals
Animating the tree-structure for 2D collisions
Includes simulated ropes, a sunset/sunrise model, and Perlin coherent noise
A simple linear classification algorithm
A significant upgrade to the previous tree fractal post
Generating fractal ferns using iterated function systems
An algorithm to find the perimeter of a data set, and includes convex polygon overlap detection
An interactive word search generator and game
A hill climbing method to mimic an input image with randomly generated triangles
Simulating the double pendulum using RK4
A variation of the Koch snowflake
Creating interesting pattens with squares
An interactive snake game
Generation and visualization of a Pythagoras tree
A self-avoiding random walk generator
Simulating the famous plinko game
Simulating many collisions (under maintenance)
A simple Monte Carlo approach to estimate pi